Who We Are

Hello Counsel is committed to providing legal access to diverse sections of society, be they rich or poor, professionals or laymen. We, at Hello Counsel, are unwaveringly dedicated to making people across the globe legally equipped and empowered. In this process, Team Hello Counsel ensures that all, be it the people associated with the law or the people who reach us only to be legally enlightened about an issue being faced in life, get to lay hands at an updated law. It goes without saying, we particularly cater to the judges, lawyers, legal academicians, and law students.

Since time immemorial, unfettered legal access has always eluded this country and its natives. On the brighter side, in the passage of time, we have undoubtedly evolved a great deal, with the justice delivery system coming a long way, from the one, which was manned by village panchayats through village heads to a highly evolved three-tier incumbent judiciary. Also, the present justice system would not have become a reality, had our great legislatures, of the likes of Dr. BR Ambedkar & those who came close on his heels, not burnt their mid-night oil, legislating on spate of burning issues, from “sati pratha” to “bride burnings” to “honor killings”. Constitutional provisions like Article 32 & 226 of the Constitution of India gave further impetus in this regard, giving Constitutional Courts an unencumbered and unbridled power to do the ultimate justice between the warring parties before it in the event of express provisions of law lacking adequate teeth.

At a time when impartial reporting of highlighted cases, court hearings related thereto, and the just and fair analysis of legal judgments passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court Of India and the Indian High Courts, across the nation, is a growing challenge, we have come up not only taking this mental upon us, of doing the same fairly, justly and fearlessly, but also stand apart through our work.

We, at Hello Counsel, being a bunch of public-spirited lawyers, former judges, academicians, other professionals are tirelessly working to ensure that the last man standing in the queue gets the representation before the law at par with any other. We tend to become a force to recon with when it comes to contributing in the comprehensive legal service in India, ranging from aiding with the govt. of the day in the legislation consultative process, to the standing at the bar in the matters of public interest/causes and pro-bono legal service to the lesser privileged and needy.

The Senior lawyers who are already at the pinnacle of their legal practice, the junior members of the Bar, who have just entered the Bar, and are at the nascent stage of the legal profession, and the law students who have keen interest in legal research and development (R&D) and want to blossom by being in the association of socially concerned legal professionals before entering legal profession are our effective partners.

Our other polestars & guide are the key functionaries in the Govt. of the day, retired judges, key politicians across the political spectrum, noted social activists, leading economists, journalists & editors, and the senior citizens.

The Legal Team Of Hello Counsel hails from all major cities in India. Noted lawyers, superbly talented professionals and fine human beings across all major cities in India are associated with Hello Counsel. However, lawyers in Delhi & NCR, i.e. the Lawyers in NOIDA, Lawyers in Gurgaon, Lawyers in Ghaziabad, Lawyers in Faridabad are a major force behind the work of Hello Counsel.

The Delhi Legal Team at Hello Counsel covers Supreme Court Of India, Delhi High Court, Indian High Courts, Delhi District Courts, Tribunals, Commissions, & Forums across Delhi. However, the Lawyers in Bombay, Lawyers in Banglore, Lawyers in Chennai, Lawyers in Shimla, Lawyers in Chandigarh, Lawyers in Hyderabad cover the other major Indian Cities across India. Also, Delhi Legal-Team of Hello Counsel closely coordinates with its empanelled lawyers and other professional all over India.

Our Motto & Objectives: We believe in honest & selfless legal service to the people who approach us, irrespective of what strata of society they belong to, irrespective of the fact whether when we are providing paid legal service or pro-bono.

Our Mission: To sub-serve social, political, economic and legal causes touching upon the lives of common man, and directly impacting the lives of the public at large.

Our mentors:

  • Our donors, benefactors & patrons.

  • Our subscribers.

  • Our clients who have been availing our paid online legal consultancy.

Kindly CLICK HERE or e-mail us at Info@hellocounsel.com if you are facing any Legal Issue and want to have Legal Consultations with the empaneled Lawyers at Hello Counsel.

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