Civil Laws

Civil law comprises of substantive and procedural law, Civil Court Cases, the Judicial & Quasi-Judicial Courts & Fora, the Petition and Documents comprising of Legal Notice, Police Complaint, Court Complaint, Suit, Plaint, Petition, Reply, Written Statement, Rejoinder, Replication, Affidavit, Application, Settlement, Agreement, Memorandum of Settlement (MOU), Family Settlement, Will, Gift Deed, Partition Deed, Adoption Document, Custody Settlement, etc.

The Civil Courts have ample power to adjudicate upon the matters of Civil nature, including inherent powers under Section-151 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. The Courts try cases under Original Jurisdiction and entertain Appeal, Reference, Review & Revision under appellate jurisdiction.

Jurisdiction of a Civil Court depends on several factors, namely, where the cause of action arose, where the suit property is situated, the value of the suit property, etc. Jurisdiction can also be classified as Original Side, Appellate, Extra Ordinary, Constitutional & Inherent Jurisdiction.

The stages of the proceeding before the Court of law are well set in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 for the following tasks: Filing Of Documents, Framing Of Issues, filing List Of Witness, examination and cross examination of plaintiff witnesses [PE], examination and cross examination of Defendant witnesses [DE], Final Hearing, etc, passing of final order and judgment.

Either of the parties- Plaintiff or Defendant could resort to the appellate avenues- Appeal, Reference, Review & Revision, all well laid down under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. There is a well set procedure for filing of Appeal, Review and Revision, etc., like what should accompany an Appeal, Reference, Review & Revision, and in what time limit they got to be filed.

The law in regard to the “Execution” of the Court Orders/ Judgments/ Decree is distinctly laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.

Vital Suits/Petitions

  • Suits Relating To Property;

  • Suits For Damages & Compensation;

  • Suits For Specific Performance Of Contracts;

  • Suits Breach Of Contracts;

  • Suits For Specific Reliefs;

  • Suits For Rendition Of Account;

  • Suits For Rights Of Franchise;

  • Suits Against Wrongful Dismissal From Service;

  • Suit Seeking Stay On Transfer Of Service;

  • Petitions For Restitution Of Conjugal Rights;

  • Petitions For Dissolution Of Marriages;

  • Petitions For Eviction of Tenant;

  • Petitions For Child custody; Etc.

  • Injunction & Stay Suits/Applications.

Prime Legal Provisions, As Provided In The Code Of Civil Procedure, 1908

  • Adjournment & Delays- Enlargement Of Time [S-148 CPC]/ Court May Grant Time And Adjourn Hearing, Cost Of Adjournment [O- XVII, R-1].

  • Admission- Document To Be Deemed To Be Admitted If Not Denied After Service Of Notice To Admit Documents [O-XII, R-3 CPC]/ Judgment On Admissions [O-XII, R-6 CPC]/ Notice To Produce Documents [O-XII, R-8 CPC].

  • Affidavit- Oath On Affidavit By Whom To Be Administered [S-134 CPC]/ Power To Order Any Point To Be Provided By Affidavit [O-XIX, R-1 CPC]/ Power To Order Attendance Of Deponent For Cross-Examination [O-XIX, R-2 CPC].

  • Agreement & Consent- By Persons Under Disability- S-147 CPC.

  • Amendment- Amendment Of Judgments, Decrees Or Orders [S-152 CPC]/ General Power To Amend [S-153 CPC]/ Power To Amend Decree Or Order Where Appeal Is Summarily Dismissed [S-153-A CPC]/ Suit In The Name Of Wrong Plaintiff, Court May Strike Out Or Add Parties, Where Defendant Added, Plaint To Be Amended- O-1, R-10.

  • Appeal (First)- No Further Appeal In Certain Cases [S-100a CPC]/ Second Appeal On No Other Grounds [S-101 CPC]/ No Second Appeal In Certain Suits [S-102 CPC]/ Power Of High Court To Determine Issues Of Fact In Appeals [S-103 CPC]/ Orders From Which Appeal Lies [S-104 CPC]/ Other Orders [S-105 CPC]/ Power Of Appellate Court [S-105 CPC]/ Procedure In Appeals From Appellate Decrees And Orders [S-108 CPC]/ When Appeal Lie To The Supreme Court [S-109 CPC]/ From Original Decree [S-96 CPC]/ From Final Decree Where No Appeal From Preliminary Decree [S-97 CPC]/ Second Appeal [S-100 CPC]/ Second Appeal [S-100 CPC]/ Ground Which May Be Taken In Appeal [O-XLI, R-2 CPC]/ Stay By Appellate Court, Stay By Court Which Passed The Decree [O-XLI, R-5 CPC]/ Application for condonation of delay of Appeal [O-XLI, R-3-A CPC]/ Appellate Court May Require Appellant To Furnish Security For Costs, Where Appellant Resides Out Of India [O-XLI, R-3-A CPC]/ Power To Dismiss Appeal Without Sending Notice To Lower Court [O-XLI, R-11 CPC]/ Dismissal Of Appeal For Appellant’s Default, Hearing Appeal Ex Parte [O-XLI, R-17 CPC]/ Re-Admission Of Appeal Dismissed For Default [O-XLI, R-19 CPC]/ Re-Hearing of Appeal On Application Of Respondent Against Whom Ex Parte Decree Made [O-XLI, R-21 CPC]/ Remand Of Case By Appellate Court [O-XLI, R-23 CPC]/ Where Appellate Court May Frame Issues And Refer Them For Trial To Court Whose Decree Appealed From [O-XLI, R-25 CPC]/ Production Of Additional Evidence In Appellate Court [O-XLI, R-27 CPC]/ Power Of Court Of Appeal [O-XLI, R-33 CPC]/ Appeal From Orders [O-XLIII, R-1 CPC]/ Right To Challenge Non-Appealable Orders In Appeal Against Decrees [O-XLIII, R-1a CPC]/ Procedure [O-XLII, R-2 CPC]/ Who May Appeal As An Indigent Person [O-XLIV, R-1 CPC]/ Inquiry As To Whether Applicant Is An Indigent Person [O-XLIV, R-3 CPC]/ Appeals To The Supreme Court-“Decree” Defined for the purposes of Appeal to Supreme Court [O-XLV, R-1 CPC]/ Application To Court Whose Decree Complained Of [O-XLV, R-2]/ Certificate As To Value Or Fitness [O-XLV, R-3 CPC].

  • Appeal (Second)- Power Of Court To Direct That The Appeal Be Heard On The Question Formulated By It [O-XLIII, R-2 CPC]/.

  • Appearance- No Party To Be Ordered To Appear In Person Unless Resident Within Certain Limits-O-V, R-4/ Caveat- S-148-A CPC./ Court May Order Defendant Or Plaintiff To Appear In Person [O-V, R-3 CPC]/ Consequence Of Non-Attendance, Without Sufficient Cause Shown, Of Party Ordered To Appear In Person [O-IX, R-12 CPC].

  • Arbitration, Mediation & Settlement- S-89 CPC.

  • Arrest & Attachment- Arrest Other Than In Execution Of Decree [S-134 CPC]/ Exemption From Arrest Under Civil Process [S-135 CPC]/ Exemption Of Members Of Legislative Bodies From Arrest And Detention Under Civil Process [S-135-A CPC]/ Procedure Where Person To Be Arrested Or Property To Be Attached Is Outside District [S-136 CPC]/ Enforcement Of Liability Of Surety [S-145 CPC]/ Where Defendant May Be Called Upon To Furnish Security For Appearance [O-XXXVIII, R-1 CPC]/ Where Defendant May Be Called Upon To Furnish Security For Production Of Property [O-XXXVIII, R-5 CPC]/ Attachment Where Cause Not Shown Or Security Not Furnished [O-XXXVIII, R-6 CPC]/

  • Commissions- Power Of Court To Issue [S-75 CPC]/ Commission To Another Court [S-76 CPC]/ Commissions Issued By Foreign Courts [S-78 CPC]/ Commissions- Cases In Which Court May Issue Commission To Examine Witness [O- XXVI, R-1 CPC]/ Order For Commission [O- XXVI, R-2 CPC]/ Commission To Make Local Investigation [O- XXVI, R-9]/ Commission For Scientific Investigation & Performance Of Ministerial Act [O- XXVI, R-10 CPC]/ Commissions To Examine Accounts [O- XXVI, R-10-A CPC]/ Commission To Examine Or Adjust Accounts [O- XXVI, R-11 CPC]/ Commission To Make Partition Of Immovable Property [O- XXVI, R-13 CPC]/ Power To Issue Commission For Examination Of Witness In Prison [O- XVI-A, R-13 CPC]/ Recording Of Evidence By Commissioner [O- XVIII-A, R-4 CPC]/ Power To Get Statements Recorded On Commission [O- XVIII, R-19 CPC].

  • Costs- Compensatory Costs In Respect Of False And Vexatious Claims Or Defences/ For Causing Delay [S-35/35A/35B CPC]/ When Security For Costs May Be Required From Plaintiff [O-XXV, R-1 CPC]/ Effect Of Failure To Furnish Security [O-XXV, R-1 CPC].

  • Court- Power & Competence- Examination Of Parties By The Court for Ascertainment Whether Allegation In Pleadings Are Admitted Or Denied [O-X, R-1 CPC]/ Direction Of The Court To Opt For Any One Mode Of Alternative Dispute Resolution [O-X, R-1-A CPC]/ Appearance Before The Conciliatory Forum Or Authority [O-X, R-1-B CPC]/ Appearance Before The Court Consequent To The Failure Of Efforts Of Conciliation [O-X, R-1-C CPC]/ Oral Examination Of Party, Or Companion Of Party [O-X, R-2 CPC]/ Substance Of Examination To Be Written [O-X, R-3 CPC]/ Opinion Of Court [S-90 CPC]/ Power To State Case For Court’s Opinion [O-XXXVI, R-1 CPC].

  • Court-Fees- Power To Make Up Deficiency Of Court-Fees- S-149 CPC.

  • Damages & Compensation- Suits For Compensation For Wrongs To Person Or Movables – S-19 CPC/ Compensation For Obtaining Arrest, Attachment Or Injunction On Insufficient Grounds [S-95 CPC]/

  • Decree- No Decree To Be Reversed Or Modified For Error Or Irregularity Not Affecting Merit Or Jurisdiction [S-99 CPC].

  • Defendants- Who May Be Joined As Defendants [O-I, R-3 CPC]/ One Person May Sue Or Defend On Behalf Of All In Same Interest [O-1, R-8 CPC].

  • Dismissal- Rejection Of Plaint [O-VII, R-11 CPC]/ Dismissed in default- Plaintiff May Bring Fresh Suit Or Court May Restore Suit To File (When suit dismissed on both the parties being absent) [O- IX, R-4]/ Dismissed in default- Decree Against Plaintiff By Default Bars Fresh Suit (When the Plaintiff became absent) [O- IX, R-9]/ Where Rejection Of Plaint Does Not Preclude Presentation Of Fresh Plaint [O-VII, R-13]/ Where Neither Party Appears, Suit To Be Dismissed [O-IX, R-3].

  • Documents- Summons To Order Defendant To Produce Documents Relied On By Him [O-V, R-7]/ Production of document on which plaintiff sues or relies- O-VII, R-14/ Duty of defendant to produce documents upon which relief is claimed or relied upon by him [O-VIII, R-1-A]/ Original Documents To Be Produced At Or Before The Settlement Of Issues [O-XIII, R-1 CPC]/ Court May Send For Papers From Its Own Record Or From Other Courts [O-XIII, R-10 CPC].

  • Evidence- Additional Evidence- Adducing Of- At Appellate Stage- U/O-XLI R-27 Of CPC.

  • Execution Of Decrees & Orders- Outside India [S-45 CPC]/ Transfer To Another State [S-40 CPC]/ Passed By Courts In Reciprocating Territory [S-44A CPC]/ Questions To Be Determined By The Court Executing Decree [S-47 CPC]/ Enforcement Of Decree Against Legal Representative [S-52 CPC]/ Liability Of Ancestral Property [S-53 CPC]/ Arrest And Detention [S-55 CPC]/ Private Alienation Of Property After Attachment To Be Void [S-64 CPC]/ Sale To Be Rateably Distributed Among Decree-Holders [S-73 CPC]/ Security In Case Of Order For Execution Of Decree Appealed From [O-XLI, R-6]/ When Court May Stay Execution, Power To Require Security From, Or Impose Conditions Upon, Judgment -Debtor [O- XXI, R-26]/ Stay Of Execution Pending Suit Between Decree -Holder And Judgment Debtor [O- XXI, R-29 CPC]/ Mode of execution of the Decree for specific performance for restitution of conjugal rights or for an injunction [O- XXI, R-32]/ Warrant For Arrest To Direct Judgment – Debtor To Be Brought Up [O- XXI, R-37]/ Attachment Of Property [O- XXI, R-38]/ Examination Of Judgment Debtor As To His Property [O- XXI, R-41]/ Power To Order Property Attached To Be Sold And Proceeds To Be Paid To The Person Entitled [O- XXI, R-64 CPC]/ Adjournment Or Stoppage Of Sale [O- XXI, R-69 CPC]/ Postponement Of Sale To Enable Judgment -Debtor To Raise Amount Of Decree [O- XXI, R-83 CPC]/ Application To Set Aside Sale On Deposit [O- XXI, R-89 CPC]/ Application To Set Aside Sale On Ground Of Irregularity Or Fraud [O- XXI, R-90 CPC]/ Application By Purchaser To Set Aside Sale On Ground Of Judgment -Debtor Having No Saleable Interest [O- XXI, R-91 CPC]/ Sale When To Become Absolute Or Be Set Aside [O- XXI, R-92 CPC]/ Setting Aside Orders Passed Ex Parte, Etc. in the face of Resistance To Delivery Of Possession To Decree-Holder Or Purchaser [O- XXI, R-106 CPC].

  • Exemption- Exemption Of Certain Women From Personal Appearance [S-1332 CPC]/ Exemption Of Other Persons [S-133 CPC]

  • Ex-parte proceeding- Procedure In Case Of Non-Attendance Of One Or More Of Several Plaintiffs [O- IX, R-10 CPC]/ Procedure In Case Of Non-Attendance Of One Or More Of Several Defendants [O- IX, R-11 CPC]/ Procedure Where Defendant Appears On Day Of Adjourned Hearing And Assigns Good Cause For Previous Non-Appearance [O- IX, R-7 CPC]/ Setting Aside Decree Ex-Parte Against Defendant [O-IX, R-13 CPC].

  • Foreign Judgment- When Foreign Judgment Not Conclusive – S-13 CPC.

  • Inherent Powers Of Court- S-151 CPC.

  • Inspection, Interrogatories, Discovery And The Like- Discovery And The Like [S-30 CPC]/ Discovery By Interrogatories [O-XI, R-1 CPC]/ Objections To Interrogatories By Answer [O-XI, R-6 CPC]/ Setting Aside And Striking Out Interrogatories [O-XI, R-7 CPC]/ Order To Answer Or Answer Further [O-XI, R-11 CPC]/ Application For Discovery Of Documents [O-XI, R-12 CPC]/ Notice To Produce [O-XI, R-16 CPC]/ Verified Copies [O-XI, R-19 CPC]/ Non-Compliance With Order For Discovery [O-XI, R-21 CPC]/ Using Answers To Interrogatories At Trial [O-XI, R-22 CPC].

  • Issues- Settlement Of Issues And Determination Of Suit On Issues Of Law Or On Issues Agreed Upon- Material From Which Issues May Be Framed [O-XIV, R-3 CPC]/ Court May Examine Witnesses Or Documents Before Framing Issues [O-XIV, R-4 CPC]/ Power To Amend And Strike Out Issues [O-XIV, R-5 CPC].

  • Joinder- Mis-Joinder And Non-Joinder [O-I, R-9/13 & O-II, R-7]/ Joinder Of Causes Of Action [O-II, R-3 CPC].

  • Jurisdiction- Pecuniary Jurisdiction [S-6 CPC]/ Objections To Jurisdiction [S-21 CPC].CPC].

  • Order- No Order Under Section 47 To Be Reversed Or Modified Unless Decision Of The Case Is Prejudicially Affected [S-99A CPC].

  • Plaintiffs- Who May Be Joined As Plaintiffs [O-I, R-1]/ One Person May Sue Or Defend On Behalf Of All In Same Interest [O-1, R-8 CPC].

  • Pleading- To State Material Facts And Not Evidence [O-VI, R-2 CPC]/ Verification Of Pleadings [O-VI, R-15 CPC]/ Striking Out Pleadings [O-VI, R-16 CPC]/ Amendment Of Pleadings [O-VI, R-17 CPC]/ Subsequent Pleading [O-VIII, R-9 CPC].

  • Receiver- Appointment Of Receivers [O-XI, R-1 CPC].

  • Representatives- Proceedings By Or Against Representatives S-146 CPC.

  • Res Judicata- S-11 CPC.

  • Restitution- Application For Restitution- S-144 CPC.

  • Revision, Review, Reference- Reference to High Court [S-113 CPC]/Reference Of Question Of High Court [O-XLVI, R-1]- Review- S-114 CPC [Application For Review Of Judgment [O-XLVII, R-1 CPC]- Revision- S-115 CPC.

  • Stay & Injunctions And Interlocutory Orders- Cases In Which Temporary Injunction May Be Granted [O-XXXIX, R-1 CPC]/ : Injunction To Restrain Repetition Or Continuance Of Breach [O-XXXIX, R-2 CPC]/ Consequence Of Disobedience Or Breach Of Injunction [O-XXXIX, R-2a CPC]

  • Suit/ Plaint- To Include The Whole Claim, Relinquishment Of Part Of Claim, Omission To Sue For One Of Several Reliefs-O-II, R-2/ Interpleader Suit [S-88 CPC]/ Disposal Of The Suit At The First Hearing on Failure To Produce Evidence [O-XV, R-4 CPC]/ No Abatement By Party’s Death, If Right To Sue Survives [O-XXII, R-1 CPC]/ Suit Not Abated By Marriage Of Female Party [O-XXII, R-2 CPC]/ Duty Of Pleader To Communicate To Court Death Of A Party [O-XXII, R-10-A CPC]/ Plaint In Interpleaded Suit [O-XXXV-A, R-1 CPC].

  • Suits, Special [In A Particular Cases]- Suits By Or Against Government [S-79 CPC]/ Suits Against Foreign Rulers, Ambassadors And Envoys [S-86 CPC]/ Against The Rulers Of Former Indian States [S-87B CPC]/ Public Nuisance Section-91: Public Nuisances And Other Wrongful Acts Affecting The Public [S-91 CPC]/ Public Charities [S-92 CPC]/ Suits By Or Against Government [O-XXVII, R-1 CPC]/ Notice To The Attorney General Or The Advocate-General when Suits Involving A Substantial Question Of Law As To The Interpretation Of The Constitution Or As To The Validity Of Any Statutory Instrument [O-XXVII-A, R-1 CPC]/ Suit by or against Officers, Soldiers, Sailors, military men Or Airmen Who Cannot Obtain Leave May Authorise Any Person To Sue Or Defend For Them [O-XXVIII, R-1 CPC]/ Subscription And Verification Of Pleading on Suits By Or Against Corporations [O-XXIX, R-1 CPC]/ Suing Of Partners In Name Of Firm, And By Persons Carrying On Business In Names Other Than Their Own [O-XXX, R-1 CPC]/ Disclosure Of Partners’ Names [O-XXX, R-2 CPC]/ Representation Of Beneficiaries In Suits Concerning Property Vested In Trustees, Etc [Suits By Or Against Trustees, Executors And Administrators] [O-XXXI, R-1]/ Minor To Sue By Next Friend [Suits By Or Against Minors And Persons Of Unsound Mind] [O-XXXII, R-1 CPC]/ Who May Act As Next Friend Or Be Appointed Guardian For The Suit [O-XXXII, R-4 CPC]/ Removal Of Next Friend [O-XXXII, R-9 CPC]/ Retirement, Removal Or Death Of Guardian For The Suit [O-XXXII, R-11 CPC]/ Suits Relating To Matters Concerning The Family- Application Of The Order [O-XXXII-A, R-1 CPC]/ Proceedings To Be Held In Camera [O-XXXII-A, R-2 CPC]/ Duty Of Court To Make Efforts For Settlement [O-XXXII-A, R-3 CPC]/ Assistance Of Welfare Expert [O-XXXII-A, R-4 CPC]/ Duty To Inquire Into Facts [O-XXXII-A, R-5 CPC]/ Family’-Meaning Of [O-XXXII-A, R-6 CPC]/ Suits May Be Instituted By Indigent Person [O-XXXIII, R-1 CPC]/ Parties To Suits For Foreclosure, Sale And Redemption [O-XXXIV-A, R-1 CPC]/ Summary Suits- Courts And Classes Of Suits To Which The Order Is To Apply [O-XXXVII, R-1 CPC]/ Institution Of Summary Suit [O-XXXVII, R-2 CPC]/ Procedure For The Appearance Of Defendant in Summary Suits [O-XXXVII, R-3 CPC]/ Power To Set Aside Decree in Summary Suits [O-XXXVII, R-4 CPC]/ Power To Order Bill, Etc. To Be Deposited With Officer Of Court [O-XXXVII, R-5 CPC]/ Recovery Of Cost Of Noting Non-Acceptance Of Dishonoured Bill Or Note [O-XXXVII, R-6 CPC]/ Procedure In Summery Suits [O-XXXVII, R-7 CPC].

  • Summons/ Process- Service of- Where Defendant Resides In Another State [S-28 CPC]/ Foreign Summonses [S-29 CPC]/ Service On Defendant In Prison [O-V, R-24 CPC]/ Service Where Defendant Resides Out Of India And Has No Agent [O-V, R-25/26/26-A]/ Summons to Be Either To Settle Issues Or For Final Disposal [O-V-, R-5 CPC]/ On Issue Of Summons For Final Disposal, Defendant To Be Directed To Produce His Witnesses-O-V, R-8/ Service of- Where Service May Be On An Adult Ember Of Defendant’s Family [O-V, R-15 CPC]/ Procedure When Defendant Refused To Accept Service, Or Can Not Be Found [Order for affixation] [O-V, R-17 CPC]/ Examination Of Serving Officer [O-V, R-19 CPC]/ Service On Soldiers, Sailors Or Airmen [O-V, R-28 CPC]/ Duty Of Person To Whom Summons Is Delivered Or Sent For Service [O-V, R-29 CPC]/ Substituted Service- Effect Of Substituted Service, Where Service Is Substituted, Time For Appearance To Be Fixed- O-V, R-20 CPC].

  • Transfer Of Suits – S-22 To S-25 CPC.

  • Trial- Power Of Court To Order Separate Trial O-I,R-3-A, & O-II, R-6 CPC.

  • Witness- List Of Witnesses And Summons To Witnesses [O-XVI, R-1 CPC]/ Procedure Where Witness Fails To Comply With Summons [O-XVI, R-2 CPC]/ No Witness To Be Ordered To Attend In Person Unless Resident Within Certain Limits [O-XVI, R-19 CPC]/ Power To Require Attendance Of Prisoners To Give Evidence [O-XVI-A, R-2 CPC]/ Examination Of Witnesses Where Several Issues [O-XVIII, R-3 CPC]/ Party To Appear Before Other Witnesses [O-XVIII, R-3-A CPC]/ Questions Objection To And Allowed By Court [O-XVIII, R-11 CPC]/ Remarks On Demeanour Of Witnesses [O-XVIII, R-12 CPC]/ Court May Recall And Examine Witness [O-XVIII, R-17 CPC]/ Power Of Court To Inspect [O-XVIII, R-18 CPC].

  • Written Statement [O-VIII, R-1]/ New Facts Must Be Specially Pleaded [O-VIII, R-2]/ Denial- Evasive Or Specific [O-VIII, R-3/4/5 CPC]/ Particulars Of Set-Off To Be Given In Written Statement, Effect Of Set – Off [O-VIII, R-6]/ Counter-Claim [O-VIII, R-6-A/B CPC]/ New Ground Of Defense [O-VIII, R-8 CPC]/ Procedure When Party Fails To Present Written Statement Called For By Court [O-VIII, R-10 CPC].

Vital Components Of Civil Laws

Our sphere of representation covers the following Courts & Fora:

Civil Courts

  • Supreme Court Of India

  • High Courts Of Various States

  • District & Sessions Judges [D&SJ]

  • Family Courts

  • Senior Civil Judges

  • Mediators & Concilliators.

Other Civil Fora

  • Arbitration Tribunal.

  • Commercial Courts, Commercial Division and Commercial Appellate Division.

  • Family Courts.

  • Labour Court/ Labour Tribunal

  • MACT- Motor Accident Claim Tribunal.

  • Rent Controller.

Legislations Governing Civil Laws


We represent a number companies as well as individual clients in all types of civil and commercial litigation in all the courts and tribunals in the country. We have our network of civil litigation lawyers around the country and thus our clients do not have to engage local lawyers. We have in our panel of advocates, Advocates on Records (AOR) who can file petitions directly with the Supreme Court. We cater to the needs of our clients in all areas of civil and commercial litigation. We represent our clients in an array of civil matters.

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